ok.. as i had said b4.. thr ARE few more mistakes coming.. from the 2008 KHS magazine..since i m TOO bored of studyin BIOLOGY wic is gonna b my exam tml.. might as well blog a lil' =p
woots!! stupid spelling mistake..
im begin to wonder whether the editors are doing their job o not..
d DAMNest mistake..
tis mistake arr.. haiz... DESTROY IMAGE OF SCHOOL ONLY....
(the chinese word for simplicity is DAMN wrong.....)
is tis wat our sch gona show to ppl outside KHS?? n those ex-highians???
our canteen reli provides food tat sux damn lot.. n i reli mean it.. if u ppl can rmb bout d incident that ah teck found a DEAD FLY in his char kueh tiaw.. well.. tat is oni a rare case (as nt many ppl care to look at their food when eatin i guez =p).. our canteen supplies food that are cancerous.. i.e. food that causes cancer.. (below is an example of wat our canteen sells.. GORENG TILL PERFECTION.. wiv decorations of black black dots lagi..)
FYI.. our canteen sells these things - harsh brown(d one above), french fries, fried pohpiah, fried rice, fried kueh tiaw, fried bee hoon, fried bread wiv chicken inside (wic is oni a lil' oni), nuggets (oso fry la..zz), chicken pieces (macam satay d.. oso fry..) well.. these are edi omos 80% of the food sold at OUR SCHOOL canteen.. n d price?? same.. bt d content.. BULLSHIT!! nt even enaf to fill my tummy!! T.T d fuel price has dropped to RM10 for 5 litres (a mth ago it was bout RM10 for 3.4 litres).. bt d price aint dropping!!! or.. d food aint increasing!!! omg~~~ d good thing is.. IM GONNA LEAVE KHS OFFICIALLY IS JZ A FEW DAYS!! WAKAKAKA.. gonna miss u all.. hahax..
ohkay.. jz for a lil' entertainment.. for me nt updating for so damn long.. a pic taken err.. tis yr kua.. hahax.. SMILE to d pic~~ ^^
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