oh well.. finally had d time to upload wats been happening in d last weekend.. as some may noe.. the 5 highest are taking their knotting n obstacles exam.. wic is near d end of the five highest schemes.. wei shun had also planned for us to complete on february n them on april on the King's Scout.. by tat time.. 05th KSG will produce around 24 fresh Kings.. XDDD too bad our batch only 6 ppl.. haiz... many hav left.. many had given up.. many had lost hope.. due to LOTS of reasons...............
back to the camp.. i arrived at school around 2pm.. saw them inspected by Scouter Stephen Kwong.. then band.. after bath in d dear school toilet, went to dinner at Taiwan Small Porridge at Padungan thr wiv lobin, eric, lit wei and my my lu.. spent an average of RM5 each.. quite worth it tough.. haha.. ^^
then.. waited at school gate for our boss (ungz!)^^.. while discussing n planning bout tat nite's programme.. (EMERGENCY CALL!!! wakakka.. ordered by wei shun.....^^) then.. 8.00pm.. we gathered at the school hall to begin our Campfire, organized by Wei Shun - the last minute oso can organize thing d.. he was given a programme.. he din even folo it!! LOLs.. memang pro.. King Scout jiu she bei xiang..^^
from the north..south..east..west.. wateva~ lighting up of campfire~! campfire burning campfire burning~~~
too bad.. T2 patrol 1-4 dint performed tat nite.. instead was given a punishment - turned into BaNaNa FaMilYs by wei shun.. XDDD
1st 1 to kena punishment!!! acting ~ proposal of marriage!! XDDD
due to lots of acting probs.. aaron came up to demo~
pic showing aaron shitting, while being watched by chang wei.. bian tai.. =.=
this.. is chiangz.... (4gt why) he laughed lyk hell.. couldnt stop... nt one time only orh.. a few times.. LOLs!!!
after d campire~ some comment n words of wisdom by GSL - Scouter Lau...
went lim teh at green hill corner~~~ wiv ungz, ai, lobin, lynn, ric, jong.. ^^ ordered a cup of teh C special to keep me awake ^^
then went to open air to hav supper wiv lit wei n ric... lols.. sio beee n soya bean.. 4gtten to bring my pouch.. =.= heng heng no kena police check.. or else no IC sure die wan.. haha
at around 11.30pm.. we proceed to our plan.. 12.00midnite.. we gathered at school hall to hav a mini meeting wiv wei shun.. gettin ready, i went to committee's room to rest...............
HoLy COW!!!!! emergency call!! yeah^^ every1 rushed out.. me, trying to get a chance to steal their things, failed.. =.= was ordered to leave d room.. diao.. nt even allowed to enter to hav a drink.. lols.. at the hall, eric was ran over by wei shun's car.. n almost had his bone broken.. (as in acting.. ^^) at the orchid garden, lit wei had set a small fire (in which they thought their obstacle was being burnt!! XDDDDD)..
settled, gathered at school hall.. after some words by wei shun, they are dismissed..
shortly after that, wei shun asked us to perform another time... with hope that they r nt tat prepared.. lols..
upon his count.. 3.. 2.. 1..
有贼啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i shouted as loud as i can... haha.. then i ran down to canteen.......
救命啊!!!!!!!!!! eric shouted oso, lying at the terrace (fall down from top)
lit wei i nt sure wat he did.. lols..
then.. i saw them running towards the orchid garden.. stupid!! haha.. no fire.. i rushed to their base bt was seen by police.. so bobien.. run lor~ finally decided to giv up running at d carpark, to find out tat i was chased by d police - dawson.. haha.. he tried to master lock me.. too bad.. too weak to do so.. soon, reinforcement came.. i was brought down to the hall.. T.T took in a breath of sulphur dioxide.. celaka.. sour sour d.. made me choked a while..
as for eric, 1st aid was given in d shortest time.. lit wei lehs.. acting bcam reli kena sakit ki.. lols..
in all.. this 2nd emergency call was more fun.. n their reaction was lot better..
after that, wei shun left us, n we went back to bath then crap..... its been a long time since we took a cold bath in d school at such time.. ^^
2.45am.. i tried to sleep.. bt cant.. so joined back ric n lit wei to crap..
3.00am.. all of us suddenly gt energetic n woke those 2nd shift camp polices.. haha..
bored to death, lit wei n aaron began crapping bout *those* things.. talking from stories from internet, past stories from our leaders, from SMK santubong, to things tat happened in our school shortly!! XDD we gathered in a circle to listen.. as for chang wei n wilson.. lols.. they got nearer n nearer to us.. chilled their spines to the max! lol.. chang wei was scared till he kneel down between aaron n ling tchii.. n closed his ears!! n then, wilson n him began playing hp games to distract off.. too bad.. it doesnt work.. so, they went in to escape from the stories..... n tat aelred arrr.... so blur d.. ***CENSORED*** basic knowledge oso dnoe.. haiz..... no wonder u 2006 antac so tiam...
after that, we began crapping bout our situation in 05th.. bla bla bla~~~
6.00am.. woke those sleeping piggys up.. then went breakfast near eric's shop.. we were their 1st customer!! lol
8.00am.. after a chilling bath, went to the hall to look at d new members......
near 11am, all had came to an end.. conclusion - T1 are damn noob (most of them) sure many die in antac d.. hahax..
12nn.. members are let to go home.. as for the poor committees.. haiz.. cleaned d whole school.. so nt cooperative.. till need us to go order.. =.= lyk tis, they sure die fast fast in ANTAC one.. haiz........
even chair oso u ppl wan step.. wan us wash kok.. no brain arr T1 members.. reli wan kill them! !!!!
washing the school~~~~~
till here~
a msg to our dear principal - we r responsible punya ppl orh.. we dirty it, we clean it.. so, nx time don simply say we r nt responsible d.. every time say us nia.. won say d basket ballers? bombas? others.........
another msg to dear committees - try to cooperate larh.. dont b so ngiao ji n complain much.. u ppl r 1.. u ppl punya theme.. all for 1 n 1 for all.. bukan meh? u ppl continue lyk tat.. in antac.. sure kena look down by members d.. nx time u ppl lyk tat again.. i sure post all d happenings liao.. XDD
HappY ScoutinG!!!
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