11th-15th Dec 2008..
marks a defeat to our group as the Lucas Chin Challenge Trophy has fell into 14th KSG's hands during the 19th Kuching City District Camp..
ANTAC has just passed bout a week..
held 2 times trial camps (wivout atap n bamboo) n 1 time backwoods..
pioneering we planned to build a monkey bridge initially..
bt changed to a stilt tower a day b4 DC.......
so, as u can clearly see..
our preparation for DC is DAMN little...
after all d trials, we packed our stuff..
dnoe whose hand so itchy.....................
oh well..
d day arrives..
we go on..
our campsite?
u cnt imagine how far it is..
if u all had been to SMK santubong, it is jz near the place between the 40 tayars n 4 x single bridges..
jz let me go thru d whole DC programmes.........
so far i can rmb......
DAY 1..
arrived thr..
celaka rainin..
everytin was in a mess.......
stamina n spirit dropped a lot on tat day as we say 14th kch had edi half-finished their camp by d time we arrived..
our progress, nt tat satisfying...
even until nite time..
we were unable to finish it..
opening ceremony, scouts from hong kong came..
then compass n bearing..
out of 4, oni 1 100% accurate.. (mine xD)
another 'planning' of mine is oni 1 degree inaccurate!!! CELAKA!!!!!
camp? damn.. hadnt much sleep yet don hav d power to chiong finish..
DAY 2..
we realised d prob we r facing n d danger we r in..
our winning rate is less than 50% edi..
a lot of advices n words of wisdom were given to us by our leaders..
wiv slight hope, we began makin our stilt tower..
FYI, tis about 20ft stilt tower..
can be counted as our experimental tower..
i) tis is d 1st time we all built a stilt tower
ii) tis plan was decided a day b4 d camp
iii) we oni had preparation thru internet n advices..
in the end..
we si sua lai..
ended up in 2nd runner up!! xDD
nt bad nerh for 1st timers ^^although we did not get d champion for pioneering project, the near-complete stilt tower gav us a lot of gaiety.. or wat we owes say 'man zhu gan'..
nite time.. we continue to pia our camp..
after being complaint by ASC Iu Cho Heng, we built a platform from our gate to our camp..
completed our house, n is ready for sleeping^^
by tis time, we catched up n beat most of them..
our ranking shoot up from no.6 to no.2..
Day 3..
we had a hike from mt santubong to mt santubong..
here's our route..
campsite - d road to damai - start of mt santubong - SESCO - mountain trail - waterfall - summit trail (down) - mt santubong kaki - back campsite..
d mountain hiking went on smoothly..
jz tat most of our shoes are GG!!!
after having a damn full lunch, we proceed to station games..
we can say is OWNING loo..
omos every match we get top..
our tower has also been completed..
although our campsite lies at a low ground, we are d highest when up at our tower xDD
backwood's cooking..
we all started wiv full confidence..
ended wiv full confidence oso..
as most of u may noe..
my patrol, other than me, all are form4..
can say tis is my 1st time camp wiv them.. (although sum of them pernah under me la...)
tis is one of my nicest n most successful backwood's cooking i had..
d rice - pulut.. nt bad..
vege - mixed wiv egg (failed cz we changed to a 1st time plan..=.=)
meat - black pepper chicken (damn nice.. bt d taste ad disappeared as it cools down......)
fish - fried fish (nt bad.. wiv deco lagi - pics below.. jz too bad inspection is a bit late for us..)
soup - ABC soup.. ok ok la..
bread - prob occured.. bt still edible..
later tat afternoon..
obstacle course..
there are 16 obstacles in total..
bt we oni nid to complete 12..
some kinda fun..
lyk d tayar butt jump (pic below) xD
bt sum of them sibeh wu liao..
reli is eat full nth do ppl do d..
langsung no obstacle feel.... =.=
dawson took tis pic of mine..
he say im cute..
tis is d 1st time i participate in a camp wivout a campfire =.=
instead, they had gang show..
those hong kong scouts i spoke bout earlier, they wore cool indian head bands or wateva they are called..
later, fancy show..
then had i realised that most of our scouts are ah kua.. xDD
n our group oso had a muscle man.. xDD
butt dance.. lols..
last day.. DAY 5..
nth much..
woke up at 7..
sleep till full full xDD
began dismantling wiv d help of reinforcements..
after tat, BACK HOME!!!!!!!!!
of cz, as usual, entertainment is required in d bus..
toothpaste is an essential tool for entertainment ^^
below is a pic of an old grandma.. (at school.. preparing to go home)
below is a pic at YUAN WEI steamboat..
zhen hui eat full nth do go take a si beh big claw of d crab..
5 days 4 nites..
19th Kuching City District Camp.. has ended..
we had handed the lucas chin trophy to 14th kch..
our 14 yrs streak had been ended..
tis marks our defeat..
tis marks a new start for all of us..
tis had awakened us all..
2 yrs later..
we will get back d trophy..
for our pride..^^
we may hav suffered a great loss after the devastating fire tat day..
our strong will is still burning brightly..
watch out all groups!!
p.s. more pics is available at calvin's blog.. ^^
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