jz suddenly felt like posting my old memory.......... still gt the beijing 2008 closing ceremony post n whole week post.. bt.. don feel lyk posting kok.. XDDD

a few mths ago.. went to permai wiv whole class (5 absenties..=.=) to take our cute class photo..
played from noon till near evening.. hired a pro photographer at a rate of rm400 (if nt wrong) to take our pics.. better than some classes.. went to studio to get only a few lame pics.. this photographer (Mr Simon Tay) actually gav us all d pics he shot!! nice!! XDD

jz 2-3 mths left.. we're gonna part.. bt.. we're still one.. gonna rmb each other... >.< u all had given me uncountable memories n joy.. u all had taught me priceless values of life.. thank u all..^^

5S1 rawx!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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