this new campaign is released in the l4d2 patch v2.0.4.1..
it features how the good old survivors from l4d get to the map in The Passing..well, there's NO WAY u will complete this campaign in solo mode.. AIs are just too dumb -.-
but as the title shows, u need to sacrifice 1 player in the last map =D
is this how Malaysian Police Force react towards citizens??
is Malaysia still regarded as a democratic country???
Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing
oh yea... finally..
the patch im waiting for..
finally got it downloaded and running in my lappy ^^
its the Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing
it features 3 whole new maps (1 chapter) which brings the previous survivors from Left 4 Dead into the game..*the old survivors!! woo!xD
and also, featuring some new, cool weapons =DDD1st, a melee weapon - Golf Stick
2nd, a new rifle, the SG552 ^^
and last but not least, the gun im most looking forward to...
the M60!!!
i've got the game in my laptop.. whoeva wan it can jz get it from me.. FOC.. no need to go game shops or pay to download it.. compatible with x32 and x64 processor..
Foundation Sem2 results
oh well..
its out..
some went up, some went down.. =(
the worst part of my results is..
i got 2 subjects scoring 78 marks =.=
which is only 2marks away from HD...zz
but at least i still got a HD for physics..
emotionless.. speechless.. no comments on my results.. zz
every internal marks are settled...
engineering math - 40++ / 60
physics - 50++/60
chemistry - 32/40 + ??/20 >.<
C++ - 50+/60
hopefully can achieve at least a D in each subject this time...
and in 2 more days, i am gonna make it happen! whahhahaha.. hopefully -.-
exams coming up!
4 days straight..
then going thru a few days of SOAR training..
then IM HOME!!!! =D
looking forward to be home ^^
they have finally won..
they have brought it back which we lost it 2 years ago..
they have surpassed a lot of their seniors, me not excluded..
they are the future of the big family..
i will arise and go soon..
everyone is born with a purpose..
i will find my purpose..
outside this big family..
-DogZ, 2010-
Curtin Sarawak Malaysia's eVALUate is back!! wahahhaa...
eVALUate is an evaluating system done by students to evaluate subjects and lecturers..that is, anynoe not satisfied with the teachings or lecturer, they can just state their matter during the eVALUate period..
if feedback on subjects are not good, amendments are to be made..
if feedback on lecturers are not good, most probably you wont be seeing the lecturer the next sem ^^
the best thing about eVALUate is, you get to win prizes!!
weekly prizes..
and grand prizes..
you talk all the bad stuff about ur lecturers, and u still stand a chance to win prizes! hehe..
only available in CURTIN~ where the students' voices are heard ^^
Miri Bike Show
went to watch a bike show in miri @ pasar tani saberkas..
there were more than 20 bikes in display..
here are some of the pics i took with my 2mp only handphone -.-
oh yeaaa....
like i promised, im gonna giv a short preview (for those future NS kias) of what u gonna LEARN during the camp ^^
this is only part of it though...............
u will be given 2 books....
both fully coloured and 60 pages each..
there are rules set to make sure u pay attention... maybe.. lol
as this may cause sensitive issues, i will not speak much, and have towill stand neutral =D
ok.. let's begin with Modul 1..u will see pages of questions lyk these...
and also some comics to read if u r bored =D
u can choose to draw too! ^^
more................... =D
and at every end of the lesson, u will be asked to draw sort of chart (which is quite sux to me)
well, lets move on to Modul this module, u will have activities =D
there are at least 3 of them.. all
lame die quite enjoyable ^^n prepare urself to answer some questions...
i mean.. A LOT of questions..some of the stuff that u r asked to do...
starting from this point, to those who are easily offended, please STOP reading as it may seem sensitive to some people.. =D
it is at ur own risk that u read the stuff below..oh ya..
i saw this pic while browsing stuff..
i was confused of course..
cz there was never those english words during my NS period..
but honestly, the english version sounds lot more couraging n cool compared to 'SATU HASRAT, SATU SEMANGAT, SATU TEKAD' xD
3R =D
The authorities had been implementing the 3R concept for a lot of years for now..
but it seems that most people are still not very IN to this tingy although it has been here for so long..
other countries (whose mentality are more developed) have been conducting it quite effectively..
their rubbish are thrown accordingly to the colour of the rubbish bins, paper bags are used instead of plastic bags, recycling projects are more strict, laws are enforced, people follow the laws, bla bla bla..
but in malaysia, it is still not that 'popular' among the rakyats and the ah-peks to recycle (especially the ah-peks of course)
so, as the base, the foundation of the country, we, the Rakyats of malaysia, need to start it first =Dwe can actually save a lot of trees by applying the 3R concept on paper usage..
we use boxes, newspapers, books, make aeroplanes, samans, etc almost everyday..
to start off with, we can apply the 3R in our daily life - parking couponswe are actually wasting a lot of processing fee n trees in order to produce the one booklet above..
and it is asking us to THROW INTO DUSTBIN!!
oh well.. mentally challenged people always had difficulties in activating their brain cells..
ok.. the question is, how do we apply 3R on parking coupons??1st - REUSE
reuse as many times as possible (as long as the coupon condition is good)
1 coupon usually can be reused up to 5 times, maybe more!
which means, u can actually save up to 5 times the trees u cut down!
aint that great? =D
2nd - REDUCE
ALWAYS put a parking coupon..
dont let those ppl walk around looking for offenders to land their 'saman' on..
with that, we can reduce the amount of 'samans' issued (which saves trees also ^^)
and dont 4gt, the 'saman' is issued in 2 copies, 1 for u, another for themselves..
so again, u save up TWICE the amount of trees needed for the 'saman'..
oh ya! of course, u MUST put ur parking coupon INSIDE your car..
not outside..
cz, once it rains, ur coupon will kena - tat means 1 coupon wasted..
then, if ur coupon kena then the 'saman kia' cnt read ur coupon, he may issue u a 'saman' - 2 pieces of saman wasted..
of course la, this is also to prevent them from accusing u of re-using the coupons xD
then, last but not least, RECYCLE!
whenever a coupon is used until it has reached its limitation, DONT THROW IT FOR GOD's SAKE!!
and, if u reli the soi kena 'saman', recycle it too! (if u return the saman to the saman collector, they sure throw away also)
just find a blue bin or pile up ur unwanted papers n giv it to the van driver who shouts 'OLD NEWSPAPER!!!!!!!!!! SURAT KHABAR LAMA!!!!!!!!!! SHIU KIU BOH ZHUA!!!!!!!!!!!!!' at ur area =D
some facts -happy 3R-ing =D
stay tuned for post on National Service - modules 'textbook' revealed!! preview of what u r goin to learn during NS ^^
another promo =.=
there's tooooooo much promos going on till i needa blog twice a day after long periods of offline mode..
the fishy fish is back..
the long wait is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The SUSHI KING BONANZA IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sadly, i wont b at kch =(anyway, i still get to eat at Miri. (hopefully =.=)
eating sushi during the bonanza period is never boring with my old buddies in kuching...
this is one of the times we ate at The Spring..
this is another time =D
we arent that bad of an eating machine are we? =)
hope the next bonanza in august/september/october/ WHENEVER IT IS, i wil be in kuching..
then break our record of sushi plates in those 2 pics above!!!!!! woohoo~~
WOOTS!!!!!!!!!! Jeremy had told me about DiGi having a package on iPhone 3GS..
so i went online....
entered DiGi website...
well although i dont understand much about the pricing stuff, but here are the details extracted from DiGi website..for more info, direct visit digi site or click the link below =D
the one on the left is what we drink everyday - water from the tap, boiled..
the one on the right is a new unopened water bottle..
see the difference???
HEY ALL!! im back =D
just had my internet fixed after 3 weeks being here in miri..
okay.. miri is still the old same miri..
just that i had moved to a terrace house rented from a mirian.. obviously -.-
the rental fee in villa is just too high for long term living..
the weather is still the same..
maybe has "improved" since last year..
there are more "clouds" as you can see below..the "clouds" are also more advanced..
they are thicker and can block most sunlight from reaching the earth..
the best thing is, it stays close to the ground, to give us more shade =Danyway..
it sucks having those "clouds"..
stupid big companies producing them just for the good of themselves..
they all sux..
made citizens of Senadin suffer, especially uni students..
just some more updates =D
these drawings are drawn by our chemistry lab instructor, Mr Jason.. he indeed has the potential to be a comic guy =D
and also, our campus has just opened their new gym..
with RM30/mth, they giv u an access card (in which u can kongsi wiv many many other ppl =P)not bad eh? =D
will upload some pics of my new room and house..